Former group members

Position Alumni since Current position
Gloria Pless Administrative assistant
Nancy Lynos Financial assistant
Ievgeniia Chaban Post-doctoral associate 2020
David Veysset Research scientist 2020
Andreas Steinbacher Post-doctoral fellow 2018
Borja Vidal Visiting professor 2017
Jake Siegel Post-doctoral associate 2017
Keiichi Nakagawa Post-doctoral associate 2017
Brandt Pein Post-doctoral associate 2017
Deniz Bozyigit Post-doctoral associate 2016
Pooja Tyagi Post-doctoral associate 2015 Post Doc
Harold Hwang Post-doctoral associate 2015 Technical Staff, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MA
Felix Hofmann Post-doctoral associate 2013 Senior Research Fellow, University of Oxford, UK
Sharly Fleischer Post-doctoral associate 2013
Xibin Zhou Post-doctoral associate 2012 Senior Engineer, SEMATECH, Albany, NY
Brad Perkins Post-doctoral associate 2012 Technical Specialist, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, MA
Vasily Temnov Visiting scientist 2011 Senior Scientist at CNRS Le Mans, France
Qiang Wu Visiting scientist 2009 Associate Professor, Photonics Center, School of Physics, Nankai University, Tianjin, China
Kung-Hsuan Lin Post-doctoral associate 2009 Assistant Research Scientist, Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Matthias Hoffmann Post-doctoral associate 2009 Staff Scientist, LCLS Laser Department, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, CA
Janos Hebling Visiting Professor 2008 Professor, Department of Experimental Physics, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Thomas Pezeril Post-doctoral associate 2008 CNRS Researcher, Université du Maine, France
Maria Kandyla Post-doctoral associate 2008 Assistant Researcher at National Hellenic Research Foundation, Greece
Kenan Gundogdu Post-doctoral associate 2008 Assistant Professor, Physics Department, NC State University, NC
Ben Paxton Post-doctoral associate 2006
Emmanuel Peronne Post-doctoral associate 2005 Researcher, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris, France
Josh Vaughan Post-doctoral associate 2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Washington
Kenji Katayama Post-doctoral associate 2005
Thomas Hornung Post-doctoral associate 2005 Zeiss
Masashi Yamaguchi Post-doctoral associate 2004 Associate Professor of Physics, Renssalaer Polytechnic Institute, NY
Rebecca Slayton Outreach lab coordinator 2004 CISAC Fellow Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, CA
Thomas Feurer Post-doctoral associate 2004 Professor of Applied Physics, Institute of Applied Physics, Berne, Switzerland
Kevin Webb Visiting Professor on sabbatical from Purdue University 2003 Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
Osamu Kamishima Visiting scientist 2003 Assistant Professor, Solid State Ion Physics Group, Tokoku University, Japan
Christ Glorieux Post-doctoral associate 2001
Satoru Adachi Post-doctoral associate 1999 Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan
Alex Maznev Post-doctoral associate 1999 Staff Scientist, Department of Chemistry, MIT, MA
Toshiaki Hattori Post-doctoral associate 1998 Professor, Institute of Applied Physics, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Jian-Ping Zhou Post-doctoral associate 1998
Hitoshi Kawashima Post-doctoral associate 1997
Yasuo Kanematsu Visiting scientist 1996 Professor, e-square; Science&Technology Entrepreneurship Lab, Office for University-Industry Collaboration, Osaka Univ., Japan.
John Fourkas Post-doctoral associate 1994 Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, University of Maryland, MD
Sanford Ruhman Post-doctoral associate 1988 Professor, The Institute of Chemistry and the Farkas Center for Light-Induced Processes, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Jet Lem Graduate student 2023
Blake Dastrup Graduate student 2023
Yuchen Sun Graduate student 2021
Jiaojian (Tristan) Shi Graduate student 2021
Frank Gao Graduate student 2021
Dmitro Martynowych Graduate student 2020
Ryan Andrew Duncan Graduate student 2020
Yu-Hsiang Cheng Graduate student 2019 Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University
Xian Li Graduate student 2019
Yaqing Zhang Graduate student 2019
Doug Shin Graduate student 2019
Yoseob (Joseph) Yoon Graduate student 2019 Postdoc, University of California Berkeley
Leora Dresselhaus-Cooper Graduate student 2018
Wenqian Ronny Huang Graduate student 2017
Prasahnt Sivarajah Graduate student 2017
Jian Lu Graduate student 2017
Benjamin Ofori-Okai Graduate student 2016
Samuel Teitelbaum Graduate student 2016
Colby P. Steiner Graduate student 2016
Yongbao Sun Graduate student 2016
Alejandro Vega Flick Visiting Graduate student 2015
Jeff Kristian Eliason Graduate student 2015
Kara J. Manke Graduate student 2015
Stephanie Teo Graduate student 2014
Nathaniel C. Brandt Graduate student 2014
Longfang Ye Visiting Graduate student 2013 Assistant Professor, Xiamen University, China
Dylan H. Arias Graduate student 2013
Patrick Wen Graduate student 2013
Johanna Wolfson Graduate student 2013 TechBridge Fellow, Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems CSE, Boston, MA
Christopher (Kit) Werley Graduate student 2012 Postdoc, Harvard University, MA
Harold Hwang Graduate student 2012 Post-doctoral associate, MIT and Boston University, MA
Zhao Chen Graduate student 2011
Cassie Newell Graduate student 2011
Jeremy Johnson Graduate student 2011 Postdoctoral Researcher, Paul Scherrer Institute, Swiss Light Source, Switzerland
Taeho Shin Graduate student 2011
Gagan Saini Graduate student 2010 Senior Research Engineer, the Dow Chemical Company Houston, Texas
Christoph Klieber Graduate student 2010 Physicist, Schlumberger Riboud Product Center, Clamart, France
Daniel “Duffy” Turner Graduate student 2010 Postdoctoral fellow, University of Toronto, Canada
Kathy W. Stone Graduate student 2009
Ka-Lo Yeh Graduate student 2009 Technology Specialist and Patent Agent, Fish & Richardson, CA
Cindy Bolme Graduate student 2008
Eric Statz Graduate student 2008
Darius Torchinsky Graduate student 2008 Postdoctoral Scholar, Caltech, CA
Tina Hecksher Visiting student 2006
Ben Paxton Graduate student 2006
Josh Vaughan Graduate student 2005 Post-Doctoral Fellow, Harvard University, MA
David Ward Graduate student 2005
Peter Poulin Graduate student 2005 Associate, Boston office of Fish & Richardson, MA
Jamie Choi Graduate student 2005 Technology Specialist Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr LLP
Nikolay Stoyanov Graduate student 2003 Barclays Capital Group
Rebecca Slayton Graduate student 2002 CISAC Fellow Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University, CA
Michael Gleason Graduate student 2001 UCLA, CA
Richard Koehl Graduate student 2000 Attorney, Fried Frank, NYC
Greg Wakeham Graduate student 2000 Sr. Staff Engineer, Seagate Technology
Tim Crimmins Graduate student 2000 Process TD Engineer, Intel Corporation
Ariya Akthakul Graduate student 1998 Principal Engineer, Living Proof, Inc., Cambridge, MA
Dora Paolucci Graduate student 1998 Technical Manager, 3M, St. Paul, Minnesota
Dutch D. Chung Graduate student 1998 Senior Patent Counsel, Philip Morris International
Randy Logan Graduate student 1997 Program Leader, Dow Corning Saginaw, Michigan
Ciaran Brennan Graduate student 1997 Analog Circuit Designer, Linear Technology, Burlington, Vermont
Marc Wefers Graduate student 1996 Principal, the Boston office of Fish & Richardson, Boston, MA
Yongwu Yang Graduate student 1996 President & COO, Lambda Solutions, Inc., Boston, MA
John Rogers Graduate student 1995 Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana/Champagne, Illinois
Laura Muller Graduate student 1995 Associate Professor of Chemistry Wheaton College Norton, MA
Lisa Dhar Graduate student 1994 Assistant Director, Office of Technology Management (Technology Transfer), Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Andrew Robert Cook Graduate student 1994 Associate Chemist, Chemistry Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Weining Wang Graduate student 1994 Associate, Kenyon & Kenyon, NYC
Matthew Banet Graduate student 1993 Chief Technical Officer, Perminova, Inc., La Jolla, California
Adam Arkin Graduate student 1992 Professor, UC Berkely, CA
Gary Wiederrecht Graduate student 1992 Chemist and Group Leader, Nanophotonics Group, Argonne National Laboratory, IL
Anil Raj Duggal Graduate student 1992
Scott Silence Graduate student 1991 Strategy Principal, XIG Strategy & Alliances Group at Xerox, Rochester, NY
Tom Dougherty Graduate student 1991
Ian Cornal Halalay Graduate student 1991
Alan Joly Graduate student 1990 Senior Research Scientist II, William R. Wiley Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Richland, WA
Bern Kohler Graduate student 1990 Professor of Chemistry, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Montana State University, MT
Lap Tak Cheng Graduate student 1988 Dupont
Margaret Farrar Graduate student 1988
Leah Williams Graduate student 1988 Aerodyne Research Inc., MA
Yong-Xin Yan Graduate student 1988 Natural Language Processing Engineer at Lex Machina, San Francisco, CA
Ben Chien Undergraduate student 2023
Skyler Jones Undergraduate student 2019
Ilana Porter Undergraduate student 2015
Sabine Volkmer Visiting student
Dustin Ledbetter Visiting student
Zilong Chen Visiting student
Efren Gutierrez Visiting student
Rishi Roy Visiting student